How to Access Your Secure Client Portal
How to Find Your Credit Report
Do you know whether your credit report is accurate? You can actually find out for yourself. By federal law, all consumers are entitled to view a free copy of their credit report once a year at AnnualCreditReport.com.
Pull your annual credit report on a date that you’ll remember each year so you remember to stay on top of this important task. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reports that its top consumer complaints consistently involve issues with credit reports, and 79 percent of them involve inaccurate information on a credit report.
Getting Started with Limitless Credit Consulting LLC
Book a consultation if you are unsure about what service will help you meet your credit goals. Consultations can be booked on the "Booking" page.
Purchase the service you would like and submit payment through the website. Services can be purchased on the "Shop" page.
All credit services require an "Onboarding" process. Please keep an eye on your inbox and/or junk folder for an email within the next 24-48 hours. This email will contain a PDF requesting info needed to grant you access to your client portal. Submit requested documentation at your earliest convenience.
Create an account with Credit Hero Score using the following link: https://creditheroscore.com/redirect.asp?guid=QVBW8IQ7VC3E
Upload any documents that you receive from the Credit Bureaus and/or creditors to your client portal.
DO NOT engage with any collections agencies or make any agreements without consulting with us first.
Share results as you see them reflect in your credit reports/credit scores.
What Happens If You Miss Your Monthly Payment?
Recurring payments are drafted monthly (subject to the service you selected). If your payment does not process, your services will be cancelled. Restoration of services will be at our discretion. If you need to cancel a payment please contact us via email 14 days before your draft date.
Please refrain from direct messages on social media, emails, texts, and phone calls asking questions specific to your credit report/score unless you have already had your scheduled consultation or purchased services.
Actions That May Contribute to a Good Credit History
Once you’ve confirmed that the information in your credit report is accurate, take note of a few key pieces of information that may influence your credit score:
Your history of making on-time payments. The longer you allow a payment to become past due, the more impact it can have on your credit history. (We’ll explore late payments in more detail in the next several pages.)
The amount of your balances compared to your credit limits. Using as little of your available credit line as possible may contribute to better credit. When you use a large percentage of your available credit limit(s), potential lenders may perceive you as a consumer who relies too much on credit to fund your lifestyle. This is known as your credit utilization rate.
How many credit accounts you have. There’s no “magic number” of credit cards a person should have, but applying for several credit accounts in a short span of time, or very frequently, may temporarily hinder your credit score. The credit accounts you’ve had the longest may positively contribute to your credit history as long as you pay your bull in full and on time each month; which is why it’s a good practice to keep your oldest credit card accounts active and open to continue lengthening your credit history.
What’s APR (and Why Does it Matter to Credit Card Customers)?
We mentioned that people who have good credit may be offered more competitive loan or credit terms than a person with bad credit. That interest rate is often referred to as the APR. Because the APR refers to the annual percentage rate, credit card companies usually calculate finance charges using the daily periodic rate, which is based on the APR — card issuers typically divide the APR by 365 (sometimes 360) to calculate the daily periodic rate.
When you use a credit card to buy an item, the creditor pays the merchant on your behalf. When your monthly credit card statement arrives, you’ll see the amount(s) you charged on your credit card account during the statement period, along with any remaining balance from the month(s) prior.
You have three options when it comes to making your monthly credit payment (provided it reaches your credit card issuer by the payment due date):
Pay the statement balance in full
Pay a portion of the balance (above the minimum payment due)
Pay the minimum payment due
Of these three options, only the first one may mean you avoid finance charges on new purchases — regardless of your card’s APR — as long as you pay off the total balance on time each month.
When you pay only a portion of your total credit card statement balance each month, charges that seemed insignificant (like a $10 lunch outing with coworkers, or a $3 cup of coffee) could end up costing more than the original “price tag” by the time you’ve paid them off — thanks to finance charges that are assessed on unpaid balances, based on your card’s APR.
Because APRs can be costly to credit card customers who don’t understand how finance charges work, there are a few more important elements to explore.
Let’s start with the basics of APRs, and explore what it means based on how you use your credit card.
If You Miss Your Payment Due Date
When your credit card issuer doesn’t receive your credit card payment by the payment due date, it’s considered late.
If you miss a payment due date, contact your creditor as soon as you realize your error and pay what you owe (which may include fees for the late payment, depending on your cardholder agreement).
Although some card issuers may raise the interest rate on your credit card as a result of the late payment and/or may increase the amount of your minimum payment due, do not let one mistake derail your credit. In fact, time is of the essence: A late payment may not necessarily be reported to the credit bureaus until it is at least 30 days past due.
The amount of time the payment has gone unpaid, how recently the late payment event occurred, your history of late payments and your credit score all determine whether and how much your credit score will be affected.
Are You Wondering Which Source You Should Use to Pull Your Credit Report/Scores?
It really depends on your goal.
Are you seeking to purchase a home?
MyFICO.com is the best source for this goal. Most of the analysis will be done for you to optimize your score or to determine problems.
Are you seeking to purchase a car?
MyFICO.com, Privacy Guard will work perfectly for this goal. Many car dealerships use TransUnion or Experian for obtaining a credit report.
Are you seeking to obtain an apartment lease?
Experian is the best source for this goal. Why? Most background companies use Experian to obtain this information. 580 is usually the minimum score that the average apartment will accept but generally they prefer 600 or more. There are some apartment managers that will accept scores lower than 580 as long as you don’t have an eviction against you.