Limitless Blog

  • Credit Utilization✨

    Your credit utilization is simply how much of your available credit you use, expressed as a percentage. This number plays a big factor in your c...
  • Pay Off Your Debt✨

    Pay off debt rather than moving it around. The most effective way to improve your credit scores in this area is by paying down your revolving (cr...
  • Account Management✨

    New accounts will lower your average account age, which will have a larger effect on your scores if you don't have a lot of other credit informati...
  • FICO Scores✨

    One of the most well-known types of credit scores are FICO Scores, created by the Fair Isaac Corporation. FICO Scores are used by many lenders, an...
  • Auto Payments for Credit Accounts✨

    One of the best ways to reduce the possibility of a late payment and eliminate the "I forgot" excuse is to set up as many automatic payments as p...
  • Credit Mix✨

    Credit mix determines 10% of a FICO Score! FICO Scores will consider your mix of credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans, finance compa...
  • Be Responsible With Your Cards✨

    Have credit cards - but manage them responsibly. Having credit cards and installment loans with a good credit history will raise your FICO Score...
  • Order Your Free Annual Credit Report✨

    Thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you can get free copies of your credit reports from the three main credit bureaus—Experian, Equifax and ...
  • Authorized Users✨

    By being added as an authorized user, you’re inheriting the primary account holder’s credit habits. If the primary account holder does not make ti...
  • Do Your Research✨

    If you ever decide to cancel a card, learn about how it could impact your credit score before you make a move.
  • Disputes✨

    Dispute a mistake with each credit bureau that reports the error. Just because the same mistake appears on all three credit reports doesn’t mean d...
  • Switch it up✨

    Creditors want to see you can handle both types of credit responsibly. If you’ve only had credit cards in the past, a car loan or a mortgage can i...